Sponsor An Attendee at Restore Retreat

Type: Sponsorships
Price: $1,300.00


Wellspring announces Restore E-Retreats (“Adult Bounce”). 

If you are an adult who experienced a major negative life event which continues to affect your life, our Restore E-Retreat is designed for you. The event could be an old, childhood wound (such as neglect, abuse) or a more recent major loss or tragedy. 

In everyday life, there is often no safe place, protected time, or skilled guide to attend to the emotional and spiritual wounds of life. Restore E-Retreats are designed to provide these things. Take a break from daily responsibilities, join others who are traveling a similar journey, and find freedom from the painful losses in your life. Now is the time for healing so that you can honor what has happened to you, but still move on to live well in the present. 

Learn more about Restore E-Retreats.

Neon CRM by Neon One